When it comes to making a baby, healthy sperm is important. It boosts the chance of a pregnancy and reduces the risk of miscarriage and health problems for a baby. So, from 10 – 16 October, we’re focusing on what men and gender-diverse people can do to protect their fertility and improve it if they want to become a parent one day.
Throughout the week, we’ll be giving Australians the low down on:
Sexually transmitted infections that can block sperm tubes
The male biological clock
Which drugs and alcohol affect sperm
Chemicals that affect fertility
The link between weight, erections and infertility
Why you should think twice about hot spas and baths if you’re trying for a baby.
Our campaign is all about engaging Australians who want to be a parent now or in future, so they can maximise their chance of a healthy child when the time is right for them.
Get involved in #FertilityWeek
Fertility Week is a national public education campaign to help people improve their chances of becoming pregnant and having a healthy baby.
Fertility Week promotes conversations and awareness about factors that affect fertility. We encourage individuals and health professionals to help spread the word.
Join the conversation on social media. Follow Your Fertility on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram and share and re-tweet our messages using #fertilityweek
Stay tuned for more news on activities during Fertility Week by signing up to Your Fertility Monthly below.
Your Fertility recognises that not all people who need to access men’s health services identify as men. When we refer to men, this includes all people with a penis and/or testicles requiring reproductive healthcare.
Fertility Week 2022 Campaign
To help men understand factors that affect their fertility, we have teamed up with Melbourne comedian Michael Shafar to create educational videos for men.

Fertility Week 2022 - Healthy Sperm, Healthy Baby
Watch all of our Fertility Week 2022 campaign videos with comedian Michael Shafar discussing STIs, Weight, Drugs & Alcohol, Smoking and Age.

Fertility Week 2022 - STIs
Unprotected sex can be fun, but it can also give you an STI and block your sperm tubes. Michael Shafar explains why STIs can mess with your fertility.

Fertility Week 2022 - Weight
It's ironic but a Dad bod can reduce your chance of having a baby. Michael Shafar explains why healthy eating and exercise can improve your chance of becoming a father.

Fertility Week 2022 - Drugs & Alcohol
Did you know that some drugs can shrink your balls and stop sperm production? Michael Shafar explains what you should know if you want to become a parent one day.

Fertility Week 2022 - Smoking
Smoking can damage your sperm. If you want to become a parent one day Michael Shafar explains the benefits of quitting.

Fertility Week 2022 - Age
Do you want to put off fatherhood for a few more years? Michael Shafar explains why you might want to pay attention to your biological clock.
Sex, drugs and fatherhood – what scientists want you to know about sperm health
We asked Dr Nicole McPherson, a reproductive health expert who studies sperm, to give us the low down on what everybody should know about sperm health.
Healthy You, Healthy Baby tool
A tool to help you understand the factors that can affect your chance of conceiving, as well as the health of a future pregnancy and child and what you can do to improve your preconception health.
Preconception checklist for men
Planning to have a baby? Your first step is to make an appointment to see your doctor (with your partner if you have one) for a pre-conception health check. Here is a list of proven ways to help men improve their sperm to conceive a healthy baby.
Articles on Fertility Week
More information

Men, sperm and healthy babies
Professor Rob McLachlan from Healthy Male discusses what men can do to keep their sperm healthy and increase their chance of having a healthy baby.

Fertility Week 2021 - Sometimes having a baby isn't easy
Do you want to become a parent one day? Sometimes having a baby isn’t easy.
As part of Fertility Week 2021, we shared 8 personal stories from people who have faced challenges in their quest for a baby. Learn how you can protect your fertility and improve your chance of a child in the future.

Healthy you, healthy baby - Expert advice for men and women
Professor Sarah Robertson, from Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide explains how men's and women's health before conceiving can affect the chance of pregnancy and the health of the baby.