Do you want to help your patients avoid an unplanned pregnancy and conceive a healthy baby when the time is right for them?
The health of men and women at conception influences the health of their baby at birth and beyond. By asking your patients about their pregnancy plans, you can help them either:
- Book a well-timed preconception health assessment to discuss how they can improve their chance of a healthy baby; or
- Discuss contraception options to avoid STIs and unplanned pregnancy.
Research shows GPs want to be involved in shaping the health of the next generation[1] and that most young Australians want to have at least one baby. A recent study also found that most patients don’t mind being asked about their pregnancy plans. In fact, many said they would appreciate it[2].
Your Fertility, a government funded program, can help you deliver this potentially life changing intervention quickly and efficiently.
Watch our short videos for ways to ask the question: Do you want to try for a pregnancy in the next year?
Read our flow chart for ways to respond to your patients plans.
Sign up for CPD accredited learning modules about preconception health.
Tell your patients about our website for practical, evidence-based information to improve their chance of a healthy pregnancy and baby.
[1] Hogg K, Rizio T, Manocha R, McLachlan RI, Hammarberg K. Men's preconception health care in Australian general practice: GPs' knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. Aust J Prim Health. 2019 Oct;25(4):353-358. doi: 10.1071/PY19069. PMID: 31554536.
[2] Hammarberg, K., Hassard, J., de Silva, R. et al. Acceptability of screening for pregnancy intention in general practice: a population survey of people of reproductive age. BMC Fam Pract 21, 40 (2020).